
Brooklyn is 6 months!!

HAVE MERCY time is flying by! How is this baby already 6 months old!
It is amazing how my confidence as a mother has grown with each kid. This time around it has been so much more enjoyable. I haven't second guessed myself or stressed about things...this infant stage has flown by.


I am so blessed to still be exclusively nursing. It is funny how pediatrician advice changes on things- when Austin and McKenna were 4 months they advised starting solids... now they say wait until 6 months. I was already planning on waiting longer then 4 months so that advice lined up perfectly for me. To date we have started baby oatmeal and are just in the beginning stages of some veggies and fruit purees (green beans, squash, carrots, prunes and sweet potato).
She takes bottles like a pro which means freedom for this mama!! 

I have had all the different experiences with sleepers. Austin was terrible (still not his strong suit) and we had to let him CIO (awful, hated it, but it worked). McKenna slept great and never really had to be sleep trained.  Brooklyn has always been great about being put down and falling asleep on her own. Our issue arouse because she was waking up 45 minutes later and not going back to sleep. Around mid-April I had to let Brooklyn fuss it out a bit. She never really got to the point of hysterical crying and since she has figured out how to put the binky in her mouth on her own, she can self soothe with that. She usually starts the night sleeping on her side and now loves to roll over and sleep on her belly. Night time sleep has finally improved (1 feeding or no feedings!!). Day time napping is hit or miss depending on the day. Somedays she naps 60-90 minutes other days its 30-40 minutes. Those are long days. 


April 2019: rolling in all directions and keeping herself awake rolling all around her crib, batting at things, picking up and reaching for toys, LOVES the swing outside and taking baths, first trip to Baltimore, lover her exersaucer and jumper

April 15th: first baby oatmeal, followed by carrots and green beans the following week

April 28-29: slept all night long! No wake ups!

May 6- sitting up all by herself


Toddler Gift Ideas

I am excited as I sit down to write this! I asked in my Instagram stories for ideas for toddler gifts and got a great response. So good that it prompted me to compile a list for future needs.

During many conversations with mom friends, we dream about the day we can throw away all the toys that scatter our homes. All those little legos and spiked dinosaurs we have stepped on and cursed in our heads. I can't wait for that day to arrive! I will delightfully take the trash bags to the goodwill! Until then, when birthdays and Christmas roll around, I will consult this list for ideas that are NOT toys. If you are local to me, save this one! I am going to provide you the links to all the things local (or a short day trip)!

Here are some ideas....


Ice Cream gift cards with a cute mug or bowl :) 
Sweet Frog
Cold Stone Creamery

Places to Go

Sesame Place Gift Card

Magazine Subscriptions
Monthly or Quarterly Boxes

Swim Lessons- we love our YMCA and take our swim lessons there. Locally there is Kids First Swim School.

General lessons of any type depending on your kids- gymnastics, karate, art, music etc.

This post may be a little all over the place but I hope this helps you or someone you know find a fun gift that isn't going to clutter your home!


Brooklyn is 3 months!

We are celebrating our baby being 3 months old today!! It truly has gone so fast, I feel like I was just in the hospital yesterday. Realistically, I will not be able to do a monthly blog post for this third baby. I'd like to have that time but I don't. So I am going to update on Brooklyn every 3 months.

She is such an amazing pleasant baby. I have taken so many pictures and so enjoyed this newborn stage with her. Her daily life includes spending time in her carseat during preschool drop off and pick up, heading to the gym with mommy, playing on her play mat, loving when Mickey Mouse is on the TV and watching her brother and sister run around. All this around naps, eating and diaper changes. She also hates tummy time with a passion. I try to put her there a few times daily but it is short lived.


She is exclusively breastfed and has had a great latch from day one. We now feed about 7-8 times in 24 hours. She generally eats every 2-3 hours during the day. If she is taking a good nap, I let her sleep longer and then I will cluster feed her before bed (feeding every 2 hours or so) to make sure she get those calories.


She decided on her own that she was ready for her crib. One night she was really squirmy and I just decided to lay her down and swaddle her. She turned her head and went right to sleep! I couldn't believe it, the other two were not so easily transitioned. For the most part she is in her crib, however, we have had some growing pains and those naps/nights she will sleep best in her rock-n-play. Ultimately, she is by far my best sleeper! She goes to be around 7pm, I dream feed her around 9/10ish and then she sleeps until 4 or 5am!


  • 12/2018: Social Smiles

  • 1/17/19: had her 2 month appointment (a little late) and was 14lbs 1oz

  • 1/18/19: first giggle
  • Started going to the gym with mommy at 7 weeks old. 

  • Warm enough weather on February 3rd to go outside for a short walk in her stroller. 

  • Met Uncle Bob and Aunt Rosie on January 27th.
  • Wearing 3-6 month clothes (January 2019),  mostly 6m clothes (February 2019)
  • Decided its more fun to sit up then lay down and doesn't want to miss a thing! 


Lets get organized!!

I don't know about you all but I get SUPER overwhelmed when my house is cluttered. Piles of papers, toys, junk, etc all over the place. Keeping it organized with 3 small, needy children has become increasingly difficult for me.

A few weeks ago, at the beginning of the new year I sat down to go through our paperwork. It has become a habit of mine to be very diligent with our important documents. 

Back story... when I was in college and living with friends I had my identity stolen. We believe they probably stole paperwork from a trash can. Needless to say this caused years and years of problems as I had to dispute bills that were not my own, but had my information tied to them. To do this, I had to prove to collection agencies that I didn't live at particular addresses etc. So luckily, my parents, saved everything and had all my leases from all the apartments I lived in. I could prove my residence and that was when I realized just how important paper work is. 

So, here are my tips...

- get a filing cabinet
- get file folders
- figure out important documents (mortgage information, pay stubs, leases, any residence bills- water, electric, cable/internet), car purchase documents, any important banking account information) and create files for that
- Create a place for receipts (medical receipts are important)

Once you have a place for everything then you have to create your system. Here is mine...

- Important document comes in the mail
- If I plan to save it...open and put on my desk for filing 
- If not, it goes in the shredder
- Once a week sit down and file documents, pay bills, check accounts, put receipts from the week in folder... etc

This system is what I do all year long. I save ALL my receipts. EVERY.SINGLE.ONE. 

Here is why....First, I don't take tags off of clothing until I am ready to wash them because I KNOW that I will wear them. This way, if I decide to return it- I have the receipt! I save medical receipts to prove that I have paid them. On more then one occasion I have gotten bills from a doctor for a co-pay and I have looked back into my receipt folder and found that I already paid it! Saves money! 

Finally, once a year...I go through all my folders. I shred any paper work that is not needed. I do save some residence bills from each year, proof of any work done to our home for future use or if there becomes a problem with the work done, & any important medical documents we may need. I move any file folders of companies we no longer use to our basement file storage or I trash what I don't need. 

The other thing I do bi-monthly is sit down with my trusty pink book and change all my important passwords, write them down, makes sure all automatic withdraws are coming from where I want them to and just manage the finances. We do a budget yearly and then break it down monthly based on unexpected expenses that may arise. 

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Your system my end up looking like mine or you may have your own process. I just think its important to be sure to know where things are (everything needs a home) so you have them when you need them and so you can use when needed. You just NEVER know! 

One more story for how saving a receipt paid off! We once had a huge inground pool in our backyard, then one windy day in June 2016 a tree fell and destroyed the pool - 20K of damage. We had to prove to insurance the cost of the damaged stuff. Well I had the receipts for all the yard furniture and we got all the moneys reimbursed! I actually couldn't believe that I still had them but it again proved how being organized and thorough works to your own benefit! :) 


Natural Options First!

I have been learning so much in the last 1-2 years regarding natural healing options and ways to naturally boost our immune systems so they can do what they were designed to do. Getting sick isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it builds immunity, but I hate to see members of my family sick. 
This year especially, I have taken extra precautions with a newborn baby in our home. 

I am not a doctor, and don't pretend to be. I am sharing with you what has worked well for us (some times better then other times) and expect that you would do your own research if you chose to try any of these methods.

So this post is specifically speaking to the sniffles/runny noses/scratchy throat. When my kids show up with a runny nose there are a few things I do immediately.

 Saline Spray
I am sure if you are a parent, you have heard of this from your kids doctor. It works very well to loosen and help remove the snot and mucus.  So, generally, I start with saline spray and try to help loosen any of the build up they have. 

Epsom Salt Baths
We then move onto a nice warm Epsom Salt bath. My kids LOVE this. Epsom salt when in water breaks down to magnesium and sulfate. Are you familiar with what magnesium does? The short is that magnesium helps flush out toxins from your body! (This can be done if you are taking antibiotics as well to help get the toxins out.)

I got the lavender this time around but generally don't get scented because my kids have sensitive skin. 

Essential Oils
I have been learning so much recently about essential oils.  Since I consider myself new to the world of natural healing when I see these things work... I am amazed and my belief builds. Again, when using oils from a good reputable company, you will be getting the plant or blend in its most natural state- the way God intended. (He really did provide us with everything we need, if we know how to use it!) 
So daily we diffuse Thieves and I put on the kids before they go to school or the gym. When they are sick we diffuse, apply to feet/spine and I will add in a blend of Lavender/Lemon and Peppermint. I am new to the oils world but I love how I see them work! There are so many more I look forward to trying! 

 Colloidal Silver
There are many opinions on this particular topic- so please do your research. We do not use this on a daily basis, in fact, it is ONLY used when sicknesses are apparent. Having said that, I have seen it work with my own eyes. 

From a friend..."Silver Hydrosol or Structured Silver can be used internally, (throat, viruses, mouth issues, in ear for ear infection, directly in the eyes for eye infections, sprayed in nose for sinus infections) and externally (minor cuts and burns, all sorts of rashes, skin issues and acne) It can also be used in a nebulizers to quickly kill off bronchial infections!" 

We are very religious in giving them their combo multivitamin and probiotic. They do not eat a super balanced diet (working on that, my son loves carbs) so I find it very important to be sure they are getting the vitamins they need. I am passionate about probiotics and what they do, adding good bacteria into my kids gut. This boosts the immune system and allows it to fight the cold. 
This also helps keeping both my toddlers regular- removing the toxins, bad bacterias and viruses from their bodies. In our house, we poop at least 1x a day! Anything less is not enough. 

Depending on the severity of the cold, will depend on how much I make them rest. If it is just a runny nose, we stick to our normal nap time/quiet time routines and normal bed times. If they act sick and I see a difference in their behavior, they will be allow more TV time and rest time for the day. It is absolutely necessary to get a good night sleep, if not more hours, when fighting something. During sleep is when our body is allowed to focus on just that! 

I am still learning every day about God given foods and how they were created directly for good in our bodies. Sadly, our culture processes and pesticides EVERYTHING! (end soapbox...for now) When my kids are fighting something I am extra thoughtful in giving them healthy, high nutrient dense foods. I eliminate or greatly decrease dairy and all processed foods, giving them as many fruits and veggies (difficult) as I can.  

The good ole humidifier! Especially in the beginning of the winter when the heat make the house feel dry. We have one in every room (including ours). These are a big deal! We generally run them even when we are healthy. This helps keep nasal passages open and clear, reduces coughing and sneezing and can help with faster healing time. 

There is SO much more to explore in the word of natural options...the next things I am reading and trying are Elderberry, Ginger and Oregano!!! I'll report back when I know more :) 


New Years and Beyond

Happy 2019! Can you believe it? This year I will have a kindergartener. *cue tears*

I remember when Y2K happened and we wondered if we would all make it and here we are at 2019!


So taking a few minutes to reflect on 2018....

When 2018 started we had been trying for #3 without success for a few months. I had become okay with the idea of being a family of 4 but still felt like someone was missing. Again, my chiropractor helped adjusting my vitamins and adjusting my hips (haha)...within 1 month the test read positive.
Pregnancies for me have been less then enjoyable. So I really prayed that my new supplement routine would help through this one - and it did! Less morning sickness, zero medications and a healthy weight gain!! Brooklyn was welcomed on November 6th! She is perfection and obviously, the best part of 2018!

In 2018 we traveled to Pennsylvania, Maryland and Maine! We celebrated birthdays, got a new backyard, painted kitchen cabinets, moved McKenna into a big girl bed, watched hubs and his K9 hit the street, went to the gym a few hundred times, both kids mastered swimming (with swimmies), enjoyed time with old friends, made new friends, weathered highs and lows of marriage, and loved hard.

We are so very blessed! I have some house goals for 2019 (when the budget allows)- we are working to completely pay off debt!! I also have some business goals that I am eager to crush! We are prayerfully trusting Gods plan for Austin as we have explored many options for school come August! We are not sure where he will end up but we know that he is in the Lords hands and plans.

My word for 2019 is...

It has taken me a week or so to settle on this. For whatever reason it has been a challenge to me this year. Maybe because I have many hopes and goals. Either way, my prayer is to THRIVE in 2019. I want to thrive in my relationship with the Lord, thrive in my marriage and be intentional about growing and lifting him up, thrive in my role as a mom, thrive in my health and fitness, thrive in our dedication to paying off debt and savings, thrive in my business and its growth and, finally, thrive in relationships with others old and new.

I am also excited to work on reviving the BLOG here! I love to use this as an outlet to share my heart and things I love and learn!


Kitchen Update

Painting my kitchen cabinets has been something I have wanted to do for 5 years now. I would consider it and then just put it out of my mind thinking about how much time and effort it would take. I was also concerned that I wouldn't do it well enough and get stuck half way through.

I enjoy home projects. I have a few that I started and never finished. (Note to self...finish them!) This was different...If I started...I had to finish! I researched and read blogs for the past 3 or so years on how to paint cabinets. I took notes and read, reread, then read again. Finally, around March, I bit the bullet and bought my primer and new paint brushes/rollers.

What I used:

  • Zinsser Primer 
  • Benjamin Moore 
  • Electric Sander  (borrowed)
  • Rollers and brushes

Because I am the worst blogger ever...it would figure that I cannot locate by before pictures anywhere. So I found some pictures that contained my ugly brown cabinets. I even hated the counter top SO much!


The process was timely. I took all the cabinet doors off and all the hardware of them. I then sanded down all the surfaces (with an electric hand sander and by hand). After sanding, I used a ____ to clean off all the surfaces. 

Finally, then came time to start the primer. It was a lot of trial and error. Generally speaking, you should only need 1 coat of the primer, but I needed two. I found that with only one coat it would mean that i would need more coats of the paint. The picture below is one coat of primer on half of the hanging cabinets. 

After weeks of work! Learning as I went I finally finished and I couldn't be more happy with our results. I feel the kitchen looks brighter and bigger. I am hoping to replace the counter tops soon and add in a subway tile backsplash...but don't plan to do that myself!

Still kicking myself that I can't find my before pictures! Ahhh...someday, somewhere they will show up! :)